Training Programs

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*Training text
*Access to an assigned mentor
*Unlimited access to the ESA for assistance and questions
*Certification Examination, scoring, and processing
*.6 CECs and certificate of completion (excluding CPR Review assigned .2 CECS)

CECs cannot be applied to the same course taken as training, but can be applied to other ESA certifications. If the course is repeated as a review, .6 CECs and CEC fees applies.

If the course is being taken as a Certification Course, the CEC quiz does not need to be submitted. Credits are automatically applied, and certificate of completion will be in the LIFETIME CERTIFICATION package.

*Informational text
*CEC quiz
*Certificate of completion (validation form) sent by email upon submission

TO ORDER CALL 407-951-6222
*ESA Certified - $195.00
*Non-ESA Certified - $250.00
*COMBO PAK - $350.00

PAK100 is a pre-requisite for all specialty certification training courses. PAK 100 can be ordered by itself or in combination with a specialty course.

Request a COMBO PAK if ordering a Specialty Certification as first-time ESA certification training. 

(excluding CPR Review)
*Non-ESA Certified - $79
*ESA certified - $69

*Non-ESA Certified - $65 (must provide proof of previous hands-on training)
*ESA certified - $50

There is no fee for.1 ESA CEC articles. Fees for articles assigned CECs higher than .1 are listed within the individual article instructions.

PAK000 - Primary Review

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PAK000, Primary Review, is a refresher course that covers the PAK100 information in an abbreviated format. It can be completed to earn .6 Continuing Education Credits and is completed to REINSTATE an expired ESA certification. It cannot be used as training to complete the ESA100 SAFE Exercise Leader certification examination and does not include a certification examination.

PAK100 - SAFE Exercise Leader

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PAK100, SAFE (Seminar in Aerobics,
Fitness, and Exercise) Exercise Leader, is the foundational course for all forms of exercise. It provides the scientific and leadership information required to teach safe exercise sessions, provides the foundation for specialty certifications including personal training, and is required and must be earned to complete the personal trainer and other specialty certifications.

PAK101 - SAFE Step

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PAK101, SAFE Step Instructor, teaches the basic information needed to lead a SAFE step session. It includes in-depth lessons on the biomechanics of the knees, basic recommended movements, correct alignment guidelines, recommended session structure, and a step chart to determine safe step height based on individual leg measurements. It also covers risky movements that can cause major trauma or micro trauma which can lead to a major injury. (Step not included.)

PAK102 - CPR Review

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PAK102, CPR Review, can be completed to renew an expired CPR Certification, provided the candidate has completed an initial hands-on training. It cannot be used as a first-time CPR training for certification. (.2 CECs)

PAK 103- Fitness Choreographer

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The body feels the natural phrasing of music, and PAK103, Master Fitness Choreographer, provides the information to create routines like a pro. Enhance your exercise session. Gain the skills to prepare balanced workouts to music using its logical phrasing, and a formula consisting of basic and standard linking movements that helps the non-dancer assemble creative and balanced workouts.

PAK104 -Personal Trainer

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PAK104, Personal Trainer, focuses on working one-to-one with clients. It builds on the basic science learned in PAK100 and includes basic testing procedures that can be performed with common portable exercise equipment. It also covers training strategies, building individualized programs, and basic business information.

PAK200- Nutrition Specialist

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PAK200, Nutrition Specialist, is a detailed scientific exploration of nutrition designed for fitness instructors to answer questions regarding nutrients and the body’s requirements, the daily diet, weight loss, and controversial issues. It is not intended.

PAK201- Lateral Slide

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A lateral slide board is a fun apparatus that can be used in a variety of ways. PAK201, LATERAL SLIDE INSTRUCTOR provides methods to build aerobic endurance, balance, and muscle conditioning. It covers proper techniques to avoid injury. (Slide board not included).

PAK206 - IFC

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PAK206, Integrated Fitness Counselor, defines and explains a variety of alternative forms of exercise that can be incorporated into an exercise session. It discusses several holistic techniques that can be added to a workout and information that can be taught to support ideas of natural health and enhanced immunity.

PAK207- Mindfulness Guide

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Be a guide leading your clients to greater peace! PAK207, Mindfulness and Meditation Guide, provides information to direct clients to practice a less stressful approach to exercise. Learn the difference and similarities of Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation and Meditation along with the history and contemporary uses in society. Guidelines to lead a simple meditation, techniques to use during exercise, and ESA’s Fit Focus Formula are included.

PAK214- Pilates Core Mat

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PAK207, Pilates Core Mat Instructor, teaches the history, philosophy, and exercises created by Joseph Pilates. This course is based on his original “Conceptology” mat (non-machine) exercises along with a variety of ESA recommended modifications of each. The basics of core are discussed and implemented in each exercise.

PAK215- Yoga Fitness

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PAK215, Yoga Fitness Leader, covers the basics of Yoga from the perspective of fitness. It introduces the many forms of Yoga and defines a variety of basic postures with guidelines to combine postures within an exercise session. This course is not a traditional Yoga training, but is a training that uses the principles of Yoga in a format that is fitness friendly to the average exercising adult.

PAK216- Kickboxing Fitness

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PAK216, Kickboxing Fitness Leader, covers the basics of Kickboxing by modifying the actual movements. It introduces correct techniques with guidelines to incorporate the exercises into a class or session. This course is not a traditional Kickboxing training. It imitates the movements teaching proper form and alignment and introduces them into a standard aerobic and muscle conditioning format.

PAK217- SAFE Stationary Cycling

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Stationary cycling is going through a renaissance with more people than ever interested in it. It shows no signs of slowing down. Dispel the myth that cycling must be a “killer” workout. It can be SAFE, energizing, and fun for all fitness levels. Even if you do not teach it, learn about how to design SAFE workouts to music, or if you have a creative bent, learn to design the IMAGINARY JOURNEY and travel the world with PAK217, SAFE Stationary Cycling Instructor. (Cycle not included). This course is sent online as a PDF document. Read the course and return the quiz or certification exam by email.

PAK222- Aquatic Fitness

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Water exercise has been popular for the past 20 years and continues to grow as fitness enthusiasts now realize its value for all ages and fitness levels. Learn about the scientific principle of water and how to use them to accommodate various fitness levels. Both shallow and deep-water exercises are discussed along with movement ideas and session formats. Order PAK222, Aquatic Fitness Leader, to flow into a new dimension of your fitness career.

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